Sunday, April 3, 2011


I commented on The Thinking Stick Blog. They were talking about students and the way they communicate. A student  texted a techer to talk about a assignment after she found the teachers number in a directory. They went on to discuss that children will choose the way they want to communicate with us and it seems to be more technologically advanced. That being said they wondered if counselors and teachers should have a facebook for students to communicate with them since this is what they are into these days.

I think that we should try and have student blogs and a classroom blog so that teachers and students and can what we are doing in class. This will help parents understand what we are doing and we can post assignments due and the instructions to them so that parents can help assist their children. I also think this would be great because when children miss school because of injury or illness they can see what they have missed in class that day or week.

If we are going to have a facebook for students to communicate more with us there should be a few rules. This facebook page should be private to inly parents and students of your class. Also this should be a facebook page dedicated to your class only not with your friends and family. that being said there should only be school talk and appropriate language on this site. Nothing unrelated to school or class should be talked about.

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