Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blog post # 13

ALEX logo
Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX) is  done  by the Alabama Department of Education. They put the site together to help out  Alabama teachers. It has all subjects through all grades and shows what the children in that specific class should be learning.
 It also helps you by giving you multiple lesson plans to choose from
so you can teach your children the selective subject in a fun way. I like this site and will use it when I teach to help me find new lesson plans and new ways to teach so I stay fresh and this way the children and I will have a hard time getting bored. I think this site is great to help people out who love to teach but aren't very creative and also help out people who are just in a jam and need a quick lesson plan thrown together, maybe for a substitute.

There are also podcasts on Alex and numerous web links for teachers and administrators. I think that Alex will help me a lot in the classroom so I can expand further than text books because you are also able to share your lesson plans and the outcomes of it on Alex.


Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators, and Statewide Students (ACCESS) is available to any public high school. The goal of the distance learning plan is to create equity through additional educational offerings for all Alabama public high school students. I found it harder to search around this site than Alex. This site talks about Ap classes and how technology has changed the way of schooling. In some cities where classes weren't available they are now because of online classes in general. Access is technically an online learning center and it it rising in students. This is very similar to a college online class. It also has test prep, and advanced placement available.

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