Saturday, February 26, 2011

blog #6

In the video the network student  there are children learning through blogging and sharing information that they have found through scholary websites and professors. Then they are also learning by reading each other reflections and seeing how others interpreted things. I think this is a great idea. I of course dont think it great for every age group or to be used in every subject. I love that you can share everything to virtually anyone and learn so much from what others have already learned. What about people who dont care to read though. This is hands o but its hands on the computer not hands on with a classroom and a professor. So I think that in certain feilds this should not be used.

For instance in the nursing field you could read instructions online and scenarios of what to do if things go wrong but until you get that hands on field experience that should be attached then things just arent the same. I think this theory would be great with college students. When a college student is taking basic classes I think this could really expand the learning possibilities as well as keep them interested in what they are doing.

It open up alot of different ways of learning for the student. Even though the learning will mostly all be done through technology students could pick if they would rather read about something froma professor or watch a video of it actually being performed as well as listening to audio speeches and lectures. Then after all this is done they can collaborate with many other students and share what they have found and learned and debate on their feelings towards it.

I love this welcome to my ple video. I think this is great.everyone is talking about having computers in the classroom to take over the books and having the students do all their work online but so far no one has shown us what it would look like. Until now. I love the set up she had on her desktop. She made an excellent point that its not like they have a choice wether to do their work or not but now they can choose how to do it and in what order. I LOVE LOVE LOVE  the paperless idea and possibility. I think this is a huge step towards the right direction. She obviously enjoys it and likes how neat her work turns out when using doc sharing or powerpoint rather than paper and pencil. She also benefits by being able to send her projects to  science professors to make sure her information is correct.

I read why smartboards are a dumb initiative and I kind of disagree, I think smartboards are nice. You can make presentations or lesson plans at home and post them online and show everything through smartboard in your classroom. You cant do this with a projector. Yes we have gotten by with white board and chalk and we still could to save money if we had to. For those of us who arent worried about the money smartboards do help alot and they keep up with the technology of our children today. Even Michael Staton said you can use other ways to teach our children but the smartboard is a nice gadget.

I also read why I hate white boards and I think that for our future teachers who are more technologically literate this would even be a great idea to keep the teacher involved and interested. I know I love having all my stuff online because i can access it anywhere and work on it at any time. Also I really enjoy working with technology and making presentation neat and nice looking so that it keeps everyone entertained.

I found a classroom chronicals site where the teacher explains all the ways she uses the smart board and why she loves it so much. This really helps me debate my point of why I like them. If you set it up correctly you can save time and be very organized as well as keeping the children engaged with the many possibilties it offers.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel,
    Your post was very well written. I thought that you went into a lot of details and I really liked that. I agree that the networked student is not something that can be used in every situation. Somethings call for hands on activities-not just hands on the computer.
